Teaching main idea to students is one of the best ways to help students increase comprehension. Do you do guided reading? Whole class reading? A combination of both? This is a useful skill that can be taught in any setting.
It’s not always an easy task to teach it as it is a rather abstract concept. It’s important to know you can teach students using non-fiction or fiction readings. When students are reading stories for main idea, it is also known as “theme”.
In second grade, we transition from retellings (which include a lot of the details) to the main idea and supporting details. First, we spend some time learning more about the difference between a retelling and a main idea.
Part of this resource is to put a visual in the students’ head that makes sense. Here is one I have included in the pack.
Students can also practice their MAIN IDEA reading by completing some tasks cards. There are fiction and non-fiction task cards included. This set is perfect for your reading or literacy center too!
If you would like to see this resource on teaching main idea, please click here.
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