Christmas is just around the corner. So many people I know are decorating and putting up their trees weeks ahead of when many people usually do. I wondered why this might be. I think that people are wanting to feel happy. They are wanting to feel that feeling you can only get from that wonderful Christmas or holiday season spirit.
The world seems to be changing at a faster pace right now. I think the lines between Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be joining. Being thankful to Indigenous peoples and our forefathers for building up our amazing countries from the ground up and honoring the spirit of giving. The holiday season is often filled with lots of family time and warm, cozy, decorated homes. Just what is it that makes Christmas so special for you and your students?
The Need for Cross Cultural Learning
Classrooms these day are made up of many different cultures. That is what makes our learning space so special. It’s important our students learn about each other and similarities or differences are celebrated. When you take a look at your classroom full of students, what parts of the world does your classroom represent? When children see themselves within your classroom through books on the shelf and lessons, they feel a sense of belonging.
During the holiday season, you can create Christmas Around the World lap books with your class. This will help you to make it easier for your students to learn about celebrations around the world. Christmas looks a little different in each of the countries represented in this resource but there are many similarities too.
This is a perfect way to teach social studies and literacy at the same time! Christmas Around the World shows students the festive nature of cultural celebrations.
The images in this set are of children dressed in their customary clothes for celebrations. Just as we dress up to celebrate our heritage during dance celebrations or special holidays – so do these children. Stressing that children around the world do not always wear these clothes is important and that these children are just like us.
Students will find the differences in the celebration of Christmas in different countries interesting. It can promote wonderful discussions. This set comes with reading comprehension passages, flags, ways to say Merry Christmas and more.
Christmas Around the World Lap Books
This Christmas Around the World set is so easy to use. You can use it with a unit on Christmas Around the World that you are already teaching. There are two different front covers and sets: one that is more generic as an overall set of lessons on various countries around the world. (Germany, Australia, France, Canada, USA, India, Sweden, China and Mexico) The other one allows you to have students choose a country and do their lap book based on their own country. Some teachers may choose to do both.
There is a blank sheet where you can put your own countries in and alternative options if you are from the USA, Canada or Australia and do not want your own country in there as we already know how we celebrate Christmas there!
This set comes with informational cards for each of the provided countries so that students can write 2-3 short facts underneath each flap. You will love that you can have them do this independently or as a whole class!
Students love doing lap books and I love them too because they are a wonderful way to show learning and also are a great keepsake for students when they take them home.
Recently a full DIGITAL set and an option for information writing worksheets was also added to this resource!
You might also be looking for a winter celebration set. This is a good addition or alternative to Christmas lessons.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
Hi there! Do you have the originals on TPT for purchase? I would love to do this with my students.